Blogger Edit: 5 Easy Tips If You Are Starting A Blog

two girls butts
 Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Elina From Sweden

Create content and build a community harmoniously, sounds easy enough? *Buzzes Alarm* Nope. It’s hard AF and scary, because you don’t know what you don’t know. As you’ve seen through this Blogger Edit Series, I’ve been lucky enough to have found women who put their own spin on what works for them. Enter Elina. When I first stumbled upon this Swedish beauty aka @elinafromsweden I loved her cute Swedish accent and innate ability to remain completely unfiltered and authentic on IG stories. I felt like I knew her. We are both obsessed with workouts and up at the crack of dawn, so you know we’d be friends. For this week’s blogger edit, I’ve asked her to spill her top 5 tips for someone who’s just starting out. With no further ado, here’s Elina!

a woman with a coffee who is talking about starting a blog
 Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Elina From Sweden


Thank you so much for including me, P! I’m very honored to be featured on TheEverydayVogue. Here are my 5 top tips for someone just starting out with blogging or social media:

Every Audience Is Different – Everyone’s audience is different and responds well to different things. This is very important as you need to figure out what works for YOU, and not just do what everyone else does. A great way to figure out what your audience likes is to ask them why they follow you, and what they want to see more of. Don’t be afraid to ask them for help!

Use IG Stories – IG stories are a great way to connect with your audience in a real and unfiltered way. Use them! My audience loves my stories because I use them as a “behind the scenes.” I show my real life; without makeup, messy hair, in sweatpants, I even cry on there sometimes! It’s the real me, and they love it.

starting a blog with two ladies laughing
 Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Elina From Sweden

Focus On Your People – Persephone already mentioned this in her post earlier but it’s important so worth repeating: focus on your tribe and please don’t get too hung up on likes and followers (easier said than done, I know)! It’s really quality over quantity. If you have 50 people who consistently comment and engage with you, that’s awesome! 50 people might not sound like a lot on social media, but imagine them all in a room. Love on them hard. They’re way more valuable than 5,000 followers who don’t engage.

How Are You Adding Value – Think about ways you can provide value to your followers; tips, inspiration, life hacks, recommendations, etc. Come from a place of service vs only talking about yourself all the time. 

Don’t Forget To Have Fun – We put so much time and effort into our blogs and social channels, and it’s important to enjoy it as well. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Post at different times, play around with different creative, try different outlets – blogs, YouTube, Twitter, whatever appeals to you. Learn new things like video, Photoshop or professional photography. Not everything is going to work out but just try, and remember to HAVE FUN!

So digestible and so damn true. Let’s dive more into stories for a sec. We all have seen it. Some people do stories really well and I think Elina is one of those people. They make you laugh, they invoke emotion, they inspire. Others talk about themselves the whole time and aren’t simultaneously driving home value for you. Stories need to do multiple things. It’s okay to share where you are and what you are doing but always keep in the back of your mind the why. What is my audience grasping from this?

When it comes to stories, blogging, IG in general, it’s important to try, then try again, then try again. I was SO scared to do video, but I said f-it and did it. Can you try a new IG story format? Can you talk to the camera? Perhaps research a new app? It might not be perfect, but differentiating yourself is key to showing your audience you give a damn.

Till next time,




  1. September 7, 2019 / 3:20 am

    So good girl!!! Loved it!!! Couldn’t have said it any better!!! Love you

    • admin
      September 12, 2019 / 12:52 am

      Thank you sweet friend

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