Blogger Edit: Stop Giving a F About Comparing Yourself To Others

two fashion bloggers hanging out
Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Blonde in the District

If you haven’t heard of Blonde in The District aka Dani Sauter {@Blonde_inthedistrict} I promise you, you will by the end of this. Dani is not a blogger, she’s not just a content creator, she’s a full-on brand from head-to-glittery toe. She’s the definition of no f’s given, stands for body positivity and possesses an unwavering sense of embracing your individuality.

When I first met her, I will admit I had been stalking for a lonnnngggg time and couldn’t believe that anyone that fabulous existed IRL {think Lady Gaga level of fashun with the sweetest inside}. Dani was named Washingtonian’s Style Setters for 2019. She just wrapped Modeling Camp with Coco Rocha.. that’s right she f-ing trained with her and best of all, her heart is as genuine as can be. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dani Sauter who’s vantage point is the power of individuality. Here’s Dani:

a woman in a skirt and a blue top knot shirt
Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Blonde in the District

Dani’s Advice

My advice for anyone interested in blogging is the same advice my mentor, Alison Gary of Wardrobe Oxygen told me: “never compare yourself to another blogger.” This is the most solid piece of advice I’ve ever received as it is the truest. Comparing yourself to someone else will get you nowhere. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that and finally, I decided I was going to stay in my own lane and focus on creating content that spoke to me and would connect me better to my audience.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

What works for one person may not work for you and vice versa. Don’t play the comparison game and focus inward instead of focusing outward on what everyone else is doing. Once you focus on content and a message that resonates and is true to you and your voice, you’ll succeed. Doing the same thing everyone else is doing because you think they are successful isn’t going to make you stand out, or make you successful. Everyone’s blog journey is different. Stay true to yourself, be AUTHENTIC, and produce content that is meaningful.

Hit Reply Back

Also always reply to comments and DMs from your audience- it’s a two-way street! Appreciate those who support your blog and let them know they are important to you. For more blogging tips you can also check out my That’s Money, Honey series!

comparing yourself to others is what these two fashion bloggers say
Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Blonde in the District

Uhhh she’s amazing isn’t she! Dani is the definition of cool AF and truly practices what she preaches. Can we dive deeper into a few things she said for a second that I think need clarification? It’s WAY okay to support your friend, a blogger, whomever on social – you should! What Dani is saying is not to let it consume you, deter you or dictate your path. Get inspired by others, but you know those strainers you use to drain your pasta? Strain and drain. Keep what resonates and adapt the pieces that connect with you for you and your audience.

these woman say comparing yourself to others
Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Blonde in the District

Also had to expand on answering DMs and comments, because this is such a huge pet peeve. Unless you are Kim K who receives 3023509 messages, never ever ever ever abandon your audience. When I message Dani, despite her 80k followers, she has always hit me back no matter what. That’s hard, but she makes you feel special like she cares… because she does. I don’t care if you have 30 followers or 300,000 take the time to communicate and chat. Invest in those people, who support you no matter what.

I cannot believe this is the end of this series, but I’m so grateful to all of you for reading and taking the time. As always, ask me anything – I will help you.

Till next time,



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