6 Ways To Fight Boredom During Quarantine

6 Ways To Fight Boredom During Quarantine
Photography by Luck Love Photography | My wardrobe by Revolve | Twins by Posh Kiddos – use code EDV for 20% off

Wow. A topic I never thought I’d have to write about, but yet here we are. Not talking about it feels weird, so I figured might as well lean in right? We can’t deny that this captivity sucks, BUT we can reshape our mindset with the giant caveat that this won’t happen overnight. It wasn’t until late last week or shit maybe even 2 days ago that I allowed this shift to actually happen versus mourning the life I would’ve wanted to live right now. Okay, so now what? You are home and we’ve got time so here are some ideas you should SERIOUSLY consider:

6 Ways To Fight Boredom During Quarantine

Dive into the skill or project you’ve had on your list

But where do you start? Skillshare.com is an awesome place to learn and is free to start. So what am I thinking ? Photo editing, video editing, painting, launching a blog or a podcast. What has been on your mind, but there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish? Do that and do that hard.

Attack a home project

Ever heard of Pinterest? She’s my favorite and now more than ever, we are ORGANIZING the shit out of our house and selling or donating all the things that are clogging our energy. We reworked the basement/playroom and it is finally workable and on it’s way to getting cuter. If you haven’t started selling your stuff online yet, use this post – how I made $20k in 6 months as a resource.

Treat Yourself

Money may be tighter than ever, but not given yourself that at-home mani or buying that comfy top you’ve had your eyes on is a mistake. I recently refreshed some of my cozies and skincare routine {find it all here} and it made me feel like a little less quarantined version of myself. Remember, the money will return – not suggesting you go broke either, but do something that makes you feel good about you and for you.

6 Ways To Fight Boredom During Quarantine
Photography by Luck Love Photography | My wardrobe by Revolve | Twins by Posh Kiddos – use code EDV for 20% off

Develop a new routine

This state of ‘new normal’ is going to be with us for quite some time, so despite not liking it, we have to lean into it. Setting a schedule is important for not feeling like you are burning time, so if there’s something you’ve wanted to try before, the time is now. Yoga, meditation – for me it’s journaling. Start it.

Lean in on mental health

Now more than ever, immunity and health are extra important, but what are we doing to help ourselves? How are you making sure that you are staying semi-sane and happy? For me, I’ve found the double workout helps. Please text friends, facetime loved ones, give yourself an at-home spa treatments. I think a lot of us could use a little extra help. So Talkspace is a great virtual, therapist option as well.

Start a TikTok

Hear me out, I’m serious! It’s the least negative, most creative space in social and the key is to really find your niche. What do I mean? If you are a mom, talk mom things. If you are a fashion blogger, go all-in on try-ons. For me, I’m pivoting to social media tips and twins all-day-long. There’s a lot of cool hacks, fun editing and if nothing else, do like Eddie and I do and dance it out with yourself or your kids. Find me here!

6 Ways To Fight Boredom During Quarantine
Photography by Luck Love Photography | My wardrobe by Revolve | Twins by Posh Kiddos – use code EDV for 20% off

Last but not least. Please limit the news. I haven’t turned on the TV in 4 months and have been living with a little less agony than those breathing into it constantly. We can get everything we need to know in small doses and by reading. Do this for your mental health, so you don’t feel so all consumed.

What are you doing to keep yourself contained and safe? Till next time-



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