The Fit Pregnancy Series: Mental Health

Fit Pregnancy Mental Health

A fit pregnancy starts with your mental health, which is why I’m sharing my tips for what kept me as zen as possible throughout. Full disclosure, no one can fully keep their shit together when you are pregnant, because those hormones are REAL; however, helping yourself get as zen as possible and keeping yourself in a healthy state of mind is critical.

Here are my top tips for ensuring mental pregnancy health below:

Forums are Pregnancy Web MD:

Repeat after me. “Thou shall not browse the pregnancy forums”.  You can find polarizing opinions for everything and everything on the interwebs. The best advice is from your doc. Have a question? Call them and do not hesitate no matter how big or small.

Do not look at the scale:

I haven’t had a scale in years, but from appointment numero uno, ask your doctor/nurses that you do not want to know your weight unless there is a problem. Walk backwards on the scale and stick to it. I never knew until the day after I gave birth how much weight I had gained. Unfortunately, it can really make us spiral despite the logical side of our minds that says ‘It’s okay.. I’m pregnant’. There’s no need. If you feel good and the doc says you are good, you are set!

Rely on Your Go-To Friend:

Some weird shit happens to your body that will make you uncomfortable to even say aloud, let alone write. Find one friend that you trust to ask your gross questions to that won’t judge you. Everyone needs this person – you know who you are.

Treat Yo Self:

No really. Pamper yourself. Massages? Check. Manis? Check. Things that you didn’t know could hurt, will hurt, so you deserve it. You are growing a human for god sakes! The key is to keep your self-care routine in check pre, during and post pregnancy for a happy Mama.

I Like The Way You Move: 

Do yourself a favor. Move even for a few moments every single day. Your body will be tired and feeling heavy after every passing day, but you will be proud of yourself and it’s really really good for your mental well-being.

Be Upfront To Your S.O.:

To the fellas in our lives, the only thing that should be said during this time is ‘you are beautiful.’ At times, we will feel insecure or weird, so be upfront with your significant other about what you need for mental sanity. For me, I told Eddie I just need to keep moving everyday and needed his push on the days that I was dragging my feet as this is my physical and mental therapy. Truth be told, Eddie knows me well enough to know what to and not to say. He is the kind of man who says all the right things, but if your S.O. is not like this – speak up.

Cleanse Yourself:

No not literally. Cleanse yourself of negativity. Do you have someone who just naysays during your pregnancy? Deuces. You are totally within your right and especially when you are extra delicate, you need to surround yourself with people who lift you up.

What tips do you have for a mentally healthy pregnancy?



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