The Fit Pregnancy Series

i love you so much, The Fit Pregnancy Series

My pregnancy – especially considering it was twins –  was really positive. *Note* I did not say comfortable, I said positive and we will get into the details of Eddie having to physically lift me up and roll me on over soon.When I was told I was having twins, the vain gal in me was nervous about what was about to go down with my body and I was terrified of what I affectionately called Professor Klumping. After some solid pep talks from my bests and family, I made it my job to continue on my fit habits. I told myself that I was going to be f-ing fabulous. Above all else, I had worked so hard to have this experience {more on that later by the way} that I didn’t want it to be 9 months of misery.

6 months pregnant with twins, The Fit Pregnancy Series

Similar Off-The-Shoulder Midi Dress: // Shoes: Valentino Caged Sandals 

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing my tips on what I did to be a Fit Mama – physically, mentally, what I ate and how I attribute these things to getting me fit post-pregnancy.  Before we get into the nitty gritty, can I give a little PSA for all my past, present and future Mamas out there in hopes that I can help a sister out.

Please please please don’t say any of the following:

“Wow! You are going to blow up!” 

Answer: Please step away before you get slapped. It’s alarming that men and women think this is an acceptable thing to say and to be honest, at first it gave me a serious complex. Can we just agree to not pregnancy shame, because it’s cruel and makes no sense, deal?

“Will you breastfeed?”

Answer: None of your damn business. Super awkward question, right? It’s right up there with will you have a C-section or vaginal delivery. Both are no one’s business and you don’t have to tolerate theses questions. Don’t be afraid to push back on this, because it’s amazing how people forget their manners when it comes to this uber emotional time in someone’s life.  I didn’t put any stress on myself because I accepted beforehand that it was probably not going to work for me. It took off the stress and the fact that I was able to pump was a bonus. If you don’t breastfeed, who cares! Those of us born in the 80’s lived just fine off of formula and your kiddos will be just fine too.

“Congrats your pregnant!” *Inserts awful anecdote about terrible delivery*

Answer: Please stop talking. Try to go to your zen place when people say this sh*t. Just like google, you can find anyone who has encountered the worst of everything and unfortunately, your friend’s cousin third removed who has no relevance to your life has too. Focus on you and your pregnancy, that’s it.

“You aren’t really showing, is something wrong?”

Answer: Nope, my doc says it will happen when they are ready to show! The last thing any mother wants to feel is that they are doing something intentionally wrong. Rest assured we already put enough pressure on ourselves, let’s just let this one roll off/stop saying it.

*Insert unsolicited advice here*

Answer: Drown out the noise. People mean well, but try to find a friend or family member who you can trust to ask the weird questions and who won’t take it personally if you don’t take them up on their advice.

Can I get a hell yeah? Anything else you want to know? Tell me on the gram or below.



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