Why You Should Start Botox Right Now

preventative botox

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Confession time: I’ve been getting botox for 5 +years and if it boiled down to having to eat ramen noodles everyday to afford my botox… I’d do it. Botox is not a 5 letter word, though it still does have some negative connotation conjuring up mental images of Cat Woman and frozen faces. I’m sharing with you why it’s a must and how a small maintenance investment in your skin will yield long-term gains. I’ve teamed up with Nora Davison of DaVinci Plastic Surgery  to get the 411 on preventive botox and break it down with me here:

Why should people start or consider preventative botox?

Nora: Just like with any muscle, if you don’t work it, it minimizes the muscle and stops the line from forming altogether. If you start botox around 40 – 50, your lines will be so deeply engrained that it will take a lot more botox and will be much more expensive.

P: And my deep set forehead wrinkles are muscles I do NOT want to work. I am constantly asked about what I do with my skin and I’ve shared some of my tips and tricks here. But botox has helped me slow down time. Nora even told me that since I’ve been so consistent with it, my forehead should continue to look the same as it is today when I am 45. I. Am. SOLD

What questions should someone ask before starting botox?

Nora: Definitely ask about the risks and benefits. Make sure you’ve done your homework on the doctor as the treatment must be customized to the individual based on the landmarks on their forehead. Also, check out their work and make sure you like it.

P: Ask them how much you need versus how much you can afford. If you only can afford $200 – do that. It’s better than not.  Also, if you want some movement, make sure to say that because it impacts how many units are needed. No BS I ask for the Ice Queen face – please make sure my forehead doesn’t move, k? Thx.

Preventative Botox

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Things Other People Won’t Tell You
  • You can put aging in slo-mo with maintenance. Think about it like getting your hair colored or facial treatments. It’s upkeep and it’s for you to feel your best.
  • Please please beware of buying a Groupon for Botox. This is your f-ing face. Do we need a super discount on that?
  • Makeup lays a hell of a whole lot better. That’s because you don’t have that caking in your wrinkles to worry about
  • There’s no downtime and no it doesn’t hurt. It’s not rainbows and sunshine but it’s not excruciating. You can handle it.
  • Botox does not mean you won’t show emotion. You will show emotion it’s just paralyzing the muscle

I have to end by sharing this hilarious anecdote with you. My husband Eddie was viscerally against botox for years. I mean, was on a soapbox about it.  So though I’m not proud of this, in the ten years we have been together, I went behind his back and did it. He never noticed. Two years later, I ended up coming clean about it after he vehemently proclaimed he’d absolutely notice. I digress.

Have any questions or want to know more? Ask me and I’ll tell ya!



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