What I’ve Learned Year One- Uncensored

a blogger mom and her babies, learned blogging one year

Transformative is the only word that completely describes the past fifty-two weeks of writing, creating, conceiving, and producing for TheEverydayVogue – my other baby. To say that I am grateful for your attention, but myself, Eddie, Laurent, Roman and I thank you for giving us a piece of your time each week.

I’ve had the extraordinary opportunity to meet and befriend so many different content creators – each with their own points of view, unique aesthetic and catering to different audiences. I wanted to shine a light on some of these women who have influenced me and shaped me, so over the next few weeks I have invited Nicole Santa of NarrativeofNic {@narrativeofnic}, Ascia of I Am Ascia {@Iamascia}, Dani Sauter of Blonde In the District {@Blonde_InTheDistrict} and Elina of Elina from Sweden {@elinafromsweden} to share their tips to those looking to start creating content, taking on a new venture or exploring what it means to have a blog.

what i learned blogging one year
 Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Outfit by Alice + Olivia

Kicking it off, I wanted to share the advice I needed a year ago that’s applicable for starting a blog, an IG page or really any new social venture. Lastly, I thought I’d share how this journey has impacted me – here we go!

Take it Seriously – Three months before I started the blog, I was working on it. Designing the logo, standing up the website, getting my content schedule in order. What are my presets going to look like? What was my vibe? Do I need Lightroom? WTF is Lightroom? I read Blog-doo – a resource created by Lauryn Evarts- Bosstick of The Skinny Confidential and Erica Stoleman of Fashion Lush – both of whom I entrusted. I sought the help of Nicole Santa aka @narrativeofnic who I had followed for years {more on that soon!}.

Most importantly my words were important, but what the f was I going to say? Will I be using iPhone pics? Photographer? Ah! I threw out a date – August 15, 2018 to my friends and family to hold myself accountable that this sh*t was happening. When you launch a blog, an IG page – whatever it is – take it seriously. The moment you put a declaration out there, people are watching and judging {it’s fine but be aware}, so be mindful that you have a responsibility now. I implemented the structures of a business and let the content and visuals be the fun space for creativity to flow and I’d highly encourage the same for you.

expression through fashion blogging
 Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Outfit by Alice + Olivia

I don’t know what I don’t know – this is my constant motto. I’m constantly learning, leaning in {and on!} those who I trust the most. When I hit ‘publish’, it is at a minimum a week’s worth of writing, editing, shooting, and re-editing. Not to mention filtering, photo edits, and Eddie approvals (is that the right word usage?). I agonize because I feel like you can feel the soul in each word selected. This is regardless of whether I’m talking skincare or shedding layers of my heart in vulnerability. I approach it with the same level of effort whether we are talking skincare or talking about anxiety attacks. It is my hope you feel it.

what a woman learned blogging about fashion
 Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Outfit by Alice + Olivia

Challenge Yourself To Be Better Each Week – That’s a little 2 for 1. How can you improve each week and push yourself harder? Everyone is always talking about the saturation in the blogger/content creator space. I think that’s because so many look to their left and right. Look down and straight. What do I mean? How can you up your own game on stories? How can you improve your aesthetics visually? Can you be more concise in your captions or test out microblogging? What can you do that feels true to you, but allows you to expand creatively? In the next year you will see that I will be pushing even more into video. I found I really enjoyed it. I also will be finding other ways to enrich my blog, while remaining true to who I am. Can’t stress enough to stop comparing yourself, because there’s only one you.

babies and their mom about blogging after a year
 Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Outfit by Alice + Olivia

Focus On Your Tribe – Listen up for two main reasons. Please, dear lord, stop giving a damn about followers and likes and focus on keeping up with the people who want to hear from you. Who actually messages you back? Who is taking the time to comment below? Love on those people really hard and reply to the comments, be authentic – it always shows! Secondly, get a pulse check. I constantly run posts and edits by the people closest to me. This is to make sure that my content is resonating with my tribe. I found the more that I showed my heart, soul and vulnerability, the deeper my connection was with you. Listen and pay attention.

a family of bloggers
 Photography by Photography by Jessica B // Outfit by Alice + Olivia

Lastly – and this isn’t a tip but more looking inward – you know that saying ‘you didn’t know what you were missing until you had it?’ For me, I felt a void of creativity before I launched this space. I didn’t know how cathartic or fun writing would be for me, nor did I know how much I’d enjoy coming up with new content with my family every week. It has filled me to start conversations with you, to create a community with you or have you know that you and I are more similar than dissimilar.

Again from the bottom of my heart, I thank you and I cannot wait for what’s to come!

Till next time,




  1. August 16, 2019 / 12:24 am

    I love that your photos are all with your family. Even if it’s your blog and your blog bday the support of those 3 is everything and the love definitely shows. I’ll follow your advice even as a recheck in year 4! Thx for the realness babe!

    • admin
      August 21, 2019 / 6:38 pm

      I wouldn’t be anywhere without you my friend. Love you so much and so grateful for you in my life and your wisdom!


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