6 Tips To Taking a Better Picture

take a better picture
Photography by Jessica B

Let’s talk photos for a quick sec. I am NOT a naturally photogenic person; in fact, quite the opposite ! I’ve studied poses, facials and tried to push myself outside of what’s comfortable to get the shot {also with the help of Nicole Santa aka Narrative of Nic}! I’m breaking down a few tips and tricks on how you can look the way you want to when you snap a pic. Let’s do it!

do's and don'ts take a better picture

6 Tips To Taking a Better Picture

Don’t Do This.

The Sorority Arm Is NOT A Thing. Raise your hand if you were personally victimized by the sorority arm pose from years 2006 to present day. Okay let’s stop that one and here’s why: it does nothing to help you. And it’s not flattering nor elongating so lets just forget about it, okay?

point twist in photos

Do This.

Point + Twist. Totally feels weird and looks AMAZING because you have the chance to shift that body weight around. See how elongating? It’s a thing!

don't lock your knees

Do’s and Don’ts

Don’t: Lock those knees. Okay this is particularly for men, but for us ladies too! This is one that early on, you’ll see Eddie has changed, because he was hating every single photo and made this tweak and boom!

put a little bend on your knees when taking photos

Do This: Put a little bend in those knees and you’ve created a little visual break. So much better, right ?

don'ts when take a better picture

Don’t: You don’t want your weight shifted closest to the camera.. So this always happens for some reason when we are in bathing suits then no one likes their photos because it makes our legs look tree stumpy.

point your leg when taking photos for you to take a better picture

Do This: Instead point that toe a little and shift your weight to your back leg {whether you are being shot from the side or head on} and you are elongating once again!

don't sit down

Don’t: Sit Down If You Don’t Want To. If you don’t like how you look sitting…stand the f up!

get comfortable to take take a better picture

Do: Get Comfy. If you do have to take a seated pic, get comfy take a better picture! Sit how you feel comfortable or again STAND!

find your face to take a better picture

Don’t: Be afraid to find your “face”. Look we all have those photos that we are like wtf was I thinking smiling like that? Why does my face look like that? Okay maybe just me.

practice your poses to take a better picture

Do: Practice! Find a photo or photos where you loved the way you look and practice that face. For me, I like to smile REAL big and open mouth or smize or look down and off to the side. Finding and practicing this will make you like your photos 384884 more of the time.

don't cross your hand

Don’t: Cross your hands in front of you like this . You just look constipated and it does nothing for you.

grab something when posing to take a better picture

Do: Grab something, touch your face, your hair. If you feel like wtf do I do with my hands, I get it. Keep them preoccupied and you won’t feel weird.

So that’s it! Hope these tips take a better picture are helpful and I promise with a little practice even a nonphotogenic person like me can fake it, ya know?

Till next time-


1 Comment

  1. December 7, 2019 / 5:22 pm

    This was super helpful thanks girl!

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