What I’ve Learned: Year 1 Being in Business Full Time

Year 1 Being in Business Full Time
Photography by Sarah Heaton

What I’ve Learned: Year 1 Being in Business Full Time

It’s been 1 year since I turned my side hustle into my full time career, which you can read all about here. For those of you who are newer here, I own The Media Socialites – a social and digital content creation agency. Technically I’ve been in business for 4 years, but I took the leap of faith in myself and it was the best decision I ever made… ever. Right now, so many of you are having an opportunity to look inward and think about what your passion is and potentially what your next moves are, so here are a few tips to you {that I know I will keep expanding upon!}

Year 1 Being in Business Full Time
Photography by Sarah Heaton
Just Ask

How do you go from 1 client to multiple, you just ask. Some of the “foundational” people I work with, I sought out by hand. I DMed, I emailed. I followed-up by being consistent and persistent, but not annoying. There is a difference. I provided a solution for a pain point that I knew they saw too. If you want more insight on this specifically, put it down below in the comments.

Year 1 Being in Business Full Time
Photography by Sarah Heaton
I walked away

It’s true, when you are newer in business, people will try to take advantage of you, because they think you need them. You may need them, but what you don’t need is toxicity. I decided quickly in my journey year 1 that if the vibe didn’t feel right with the client, I had to walk away, because stress is one thing, but ridiculous demands are another.

Vibe attracts your tribe

When I did this I found the doors poured open with people who I really really wanted to be working with. I’m talking dying to work with. I’ve made this a staple in my business – no bad energy and it’s been a game changer for us long term and it’s a stance that breeds positivity both ways.

The Media Socialites
I learned my worth

People will be able to do things cheaper, but cheaper is not better. I’ve learned this so many times at my previous job and when you feel confident in your abilities, you become unwavering. I’ve found my partners and clients I work with hold themselves to the same standards and wow, this is life changing.


Be consistent. It’s easy to say and it’s much harder to do. Sometimes you sleep almost nothing. Some random shit happens, but you must show up and perform for your clients. This is how you build reputation and a sustainable business.


Things happen and people make mistakes. When this occurs {and it does because we are human!}, you fall on the sword, but don’t over apologize. I found that ownership and a solid solution to improve the matter are key to a quick recovery.

The Media Socialites
Photography by Sarah Heaton
Cues for expansion

I was so scared to expand my team and then the concussion happened. I am an only child {I have step sisters who I view as my own!}, but at some point I was running the business like an only child. I had to control everything and was resistant for help. Then the car accident happened and my brain was at about 25%. Right before that, we had decided that we were going to expand and I think this was the sign I prayed for in many ways. You must trust in others and coach others in order to expand smart and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I have so many other things I’ve learned along the way that I will keep sharing with you, but I wanted to leave you with this. You will never regret taking a chance on yourself. Do not overthink it and launch the thing that keeps you excited about the day. Rinse and repeat. Keep practicing, keep adjusting. Know you will be imperfect, but when you are consistent you can only see growth. Just try.

Till next time,



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