Twins.Business.Marriage. A Day In the Life: Quarantine Style

A Day In the Life of Quarantine
Photography by Sarah Heaton

A Day In the Life: Quarantine Style

A few weeks ago, I did an instagram live and this was one of the most asked about questions. What does our day look like during #quarantinemode and what are we doing to make it feel a little less awful. Let’s set the stage for a quick sec: full-time working parents. mental health. physical health. stress. SO MUCH. The truth is everyday is different, but here’s what it looks like in a ‘perfect’, quarantine world.


Gratitude journal and setting intentions for the day. I never ever ever thought I’d be that person, but look at me preaching this to you. It has made a huge difference in my perspective and looking inward at what you DO have that IS right is really helpful.

A Day In the Life of Quarantine
Photography by Sarah Heaton
5:15am – 7am:

I’m up working with my team {some of whom live in Greece!}

7am – 7:45am:

Wake the twins up and get them ready for the day, which includes making breakfast of course. I’ve been trying to shake things up for them first thing in the morning, by singing, dancing and making new REALLY easy recipes. If you want to know what I’m cooking, leave a comment down below.

8am – 8:50am:

Workout 1. This is not a negotiable.


Workout 2. Also not a negotiable. See what I’ve been doing here.

A Day In the Life of Quarantine
Photography by Sarah Heaton
10am – 12:30pm:

A conglomerate of let’s keep the boys doing random sh*t, which looks like walks, spanish class, music class, circuits {if you didn’t catch this on my story this totally works to tire them out}, painting, rice playing, anything to keep things moving. This is also my time to watch them and be working alongside. I struggled with this REALLY badly the first few weeks as I was trying to be physically and emotionally present at all time for both clients and my twins, which is completely impossible.

12:30pm – 1pm:

Lunch, which I’m making for everybody.

1pm – 2:30pm:

This is new. They used to sleep from 12:30- 2:30pm. No more! I don’t know wtf happened, but this has seized, so now we try round 2 of getting the twins exhausted. Walk, playing with legos, reading books, free play. Just anything to slow them the f down. Also during this time, I’m working and texting with clients constantly.


There new nap time. Like wtf is this? This is also my time to catch up on the day. This is also the time where I create tiktoks – yes I make time for that daily. And this is when I answer emails, post, write, repeat. I will often take calls during this time, but what used to be calls stacked on top of one another {meaning a time block of conference calls} is no longer, because I found that too overwhelming.

4:45pm – 6:30pm:

This is generally Eddie’s shift with the boys though it switches. He’s so amazing and when he can stack meetings and give me a morning to catch up he always does.

6:00pm – 7:30pm:

Working while making dinner and eating dinner. When the f did I become Martha Stewart ? Cooking every damn day?

quarantine routine
Photography by Sarah Heaton
7:30pm – 8pm:

Family snuggle time in bed. I will admit this is one of my favorite times of the day. I will also admit that it does at times frustrate me that Eddie and I used to have an extra hour of quiet together as they used to go to sleep at 7. Le sigh.


I almost always have a client call during this time. Clients have been very understanding about the limited time, so it goes down.

8:30pm – 11/11:30pm:

Working. Posting. Writing. Catching up on emails. Spending time with Eddie laughing about how we survived another day. What we can do better, etc. I will say I haven’t been watching much of anything. After the concussion, it was hard for me to multitask by watching shows and working, so I still have kept it limited.

Also, we’ve found that taking the boys to my parents house and giving him 1-2 days a week to realllllly get ahead of things is helpful. Then on the weekends and 1-2 a week, he does the reverse. He heavies up on managing the twins generally Friday and Saturday for sure and any time during the week. It’s chaotic, but we are making it work somehow.

Lastly, one thing I would strongly encourage you to do is find something to be excited about each week. If you’ve been following along on stories, you’ll know that we have been throwing mini parties for the twins, since they won’t have their big shindig this year. The first week was fun, but the second week they were SO excited. This week even more so than ever. Follow along on stories for more weekly details.

Be safe and till next time,



1 Comment

  1. Heba Saleh
    May 7, 2020 / 11:40 am

    Thanks for demystifying how you do it all. I still think you’re a superstar! I can’t wait to find ways to collab together 😀

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